Here’s an awesome inspirational video that I used to watch every morning when I woke up to get me fired up, hungry and in the zone…
It’s purely motivational, no pitch or anything like that.
How badly do you want to succeed?
Because most people talk about wanting to be successful…
Most people think about being successful…
And you know what?
Most people actually think they’re going to be successful…
And do you know why?
Because Money Talks and Bullshit Walks.
I’ve met so many people who talk a big game, claim to be amazing and promise that they will hustle like nobody else I’ve ever met before. But then I ask them to put some money on the table and – POOF – they vanish like a cloud of smoke.
Ever played poker before with no real money involved?
Everybody’s a big player calling bluffs and going all in on almost every hand.
But then you get everybody to put in $5 and watch them straighten up their seating position, stop trash talking and behave like little school girls.
That’s why money is involved. Because it separates the dreamers, fakers and trash talkers from the real blood hungry winners.
And I only want winners.